The very first Bibevie blog

I'm Rhian, the founder of Bibevie. This is the first Bibevie blog - hopefully the first of many! - and I thought I'd start off by sharing a bit about myself that you won't find in the "About us" section of the website.
I'm 32, and live with my husband and my 2 year old just north of London. My husband is in the military so we move around pretty often - the last two years have been the least pretty with moves in March 2020 and December 2020, but we're hoping to stay where we are now for perhaps a couple of years (if we're lucky!)
Because of all of the house moves, I didn't go back to work after having my daughter (instead, starting off this venture!) and she's only just gone into nursery. That period where she had dropped her lunchtime nap and I didn't have childcare was interesting, especially as it coincided with things starting to pick up for Bibevie...! Thankfully now, she's in nursery a few mornings a week and loving it, so that's one less thing on the mum-guilt side.
However, CBeebies is the best babysitter going. I'm a bit of a closet fan of Bitz and Bob personally ("steampunk style!"), but my daughter is all about Bluey, Duggee and recently, Grace's Amazing Machines! Can't complain...
When I get time, I love exercising, and my favourite thing is weight-lifting. That's not been possible for the last year and a half but maybe soon!
This is me and my daughter on a day we were meant to go to a splash park, but they ran out of tickets... she got an icecream as well as breadsticks to make up for it so to be honest, she was pretty pleased!
People often ask me if I have a background in retail / fashion / business, and the answer is "not really". I worked in a corporate career for a Big 4 consultancy firm so had a pretty good idea about how businesses work, but as for fashion...No. As anyone that's met me will attest to - you can usually find me rocking a pair of jeans and a tank top with a classic mum-bun! So learning about fabrics, how to design clothes, the different types of stitching - it's a whole new world! But hey, if I can do it, so can anyone!
I'm going to use this blog to share what's going on in the business as well as some top tips and helpful content for parents. I might also share a bit more about the journey to build a business - is that something you guys would like to hear more about? I'd love to know - let me know in the comments!
Hope you have a great day!
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